An Exposition of Romans 13 | The Christian & Civil Government

2 years ago

This is a seminar with the Langham Institute with pastors and church leaders from Trinidad and Tobago on the topic of God, Government, and Me. This is the second session in that seminar covering an exposition of Romans 13.

In recent times, with COVID mandates and restrictions affecting all areas of society, it has gotten a lot of Christians talking about Romans 13 and its application to the relationship between Church and State. I've seen many poor expositions of the passage and even more lamentable applications of erroneous understandings. Many have ripped verses from Romans 13 out of their context to argue for their particular understandings of politics and government. However, as faithful Bereans, we must closely examine the scriptures to see if these things are really so.

This session will mainly be focused on an exegesis of the text of Romans 13:1-7 and its relevance to the current discussion. While some applications will be drawn, the purpose is not to flesh out a fully formed theology of government, civil disobedience/obedience, or politics. That is perhaps for another time or article series. Instead, the focus will be on trying to faithfully interpret the text and its implications. May God help us all act in honourable ways in our societies and as Christian citizens of our earthly and heavenly cities.

You can find a written version of this lecture here:
Or listen to it on the podcast here:

Watch the first session here:

00:00 Introduction
01:42 Important Context
09:14 Verse 1 - Be subject
12:35 Delegated Authority
18:08 Verse 2 - The Purpose of Government
22:44 Verse 3 - Always obey the Government?
27:27 Civil Disobedience
32:26 Verse 4 - Sword Power
39:15 Verse 5 - Conscience Sake
42:05 Verse 6 - Ministers of God
49:53 Verse 7 - Taxes and Honour
55:22 Conclusion & Our Opportunities
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#government #civilgovernment #theology #theologymatter #christiantheology #reformedtheology #biblicalexposition #biblestudy #romans13 #theonomy #limitedgovernment #politics #civildisobedience

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