[RARE] The Video that Cost Alex Jones $45,200,000 | What did Alex Jones Say About Sandy Hook?

1 year ago

What did Alex Jones say about Sandy Hook? It's the question that nobody is asking... Most people jump to conclusions without even knowing what he said exactly. This video showcases the hard to find 2016 episode of the Alex Jones show. In the video, Alex ask questions about several unique anomalies of the alleged 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown Connecticut.

This week, Alex was ordered by a Texas judge to pay $45.2 million dollars in a defamation case, to the alleged parents of the alleged victims of the school shooting.

This case was very unique in the fact that Alex Jones was not allowed to submit his own evidence, use his own witnesses, say that he's innocent, mention the 1st amendment, and more. The amount that was ordered to be paid, is well over what the maximum punitive damages are in the state of Texas. The judge declared him guilty before the trail even started, and told the jury multiple times during the trial that he was guilty. Since this breaks many constitutional rights of our justice system, the case will most certainly be appealed and overturned.

.....yet the mainstream media celebrate their so called "victory" for a show trial that they will ultimately lose. They claimed they uncovered top secret January 6th text, although the text that they had were from 2019. More media disinformation to paint Alex Jones as the bad guy.

After Alex Jones was kicked off of all mainstream social media sites in 2016, he started to focus on his own self-funded network at Infowars.com. Alex Jones viewership is larger than all mainstream news outlets combined. People tune in to infowars, because Alex is usually well ahead of the curve at explaining major world events, often way before the legacy media. People trust Alex, and he always shows receipts and supportive documents to back his statements. In my personal opinion, I believe Alex Jones to be the most honest source of crucial and reliable information.

The 2nd part of this video, The Alex Jones Show episode from 8/6/2022, where Alex and attorney, Robert Barnes discuss the ins and outs of the case and speculate on what will happen in the upcoming future.

You should really watch the whole video

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What do you think? Do Alex's comments warrant him losing $45.2 million dollars?

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