Heated Vest Review! with 7.4 volt battery and heating cables. Besserite

3 years ago

Being heated by an external source in this case the battery and heating cables in this vest is a game changer in the winter. Sometimes body heat isn't enough and with this as one of your layers it becomes an efficient way to keep warm. I use it in the mornings before he houses is heated up, I use it in my bitcoin rig heated studio (usually around 16C) just as an extra way to keep warm and comfortable. The vest itself is well made and looks good. It fits as it is sized, I bought a large overestimating how many layers under the vest I would have but the medium fits me perfect as a man who is 5"11 150 LBs with a light hoodie under. The stitching and material of the vest is solid and feels comfortable. The battery pack it comes with is at least 10000Mah as it says and it's nice that it has a USB port too so you can charge your phone off it if need be. Find out more in my video review, and if you found my review helpful make sure to hit that helpful button below!

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