#Ivermectin: If you're taking it chance of COVID-19 "actually approach zero!"

3 years ago

Dr. @PierreKory, FLCCC, on "The Doctors"

FLCCC | Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

"We have a protocol for prophylaxes, post-exposure prophylaxes for high risk patients, or health care workers.

Numerous trials showing that if you are on #Ivermectin your chance of getting it, actually approach zero!"


Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topical #Ivermectin + IotaCarrageenan in the Prophylaxis against COVID-19 in Health Personnel - No patients of the 788 treated with IVERCAR tested positive for CoVid 19 during the study


NOTE: 11-Aug-2022 — Just imported via Rumble process from my old YouTube channel. Please comment if video experiences any technical issues during playback. Thank You.

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