Pulseball Arena (No Man's Sky build)

4 years ago

Welcome to my Pulseball arena! What's Pulseball, you ask? It's a game where you can run and gun to get the ball in the goal. Shoot it, hit it, run into it, whatever you can do to get it there.

In FDI space at 0FE4:0004:0FFA:01BF

The gameplay itself is intended to be emergent. The teams can make up their own specific rules if they want, but everything else is pretty freeform, with strategy evolving on the fly. Is there already another game out there like this? Probably, but I haven't seen it. The only hard restriction is no grenades, either the geology cannon or the plasma launcher: not only do they barely affect the ball, but they cause a power surge in the goal circuitry, resulting in the counter having to be reset. It effectively makes them useless in this game.

The arena features an automatic scoreboard (using a modified and adapted version of feralbyte's counter design (https://youtu.be/uTwB82wQ-qw—please go give him some likes) with ball reset and manual score control accessible from inside the arena or referee seats (to correct issues when bad things happen, like players falling into the goal), ample seating along the edges, and a lag-free, simple design.

I've been trying to build this since BEYOND dropped, but it wasn't possible until update 2.14—not for lack of trying. First, wiring would randomly become unusable because the connection points would be unavailable, preventing me from connecting anything new. It happened to wires and batteries alike. That prevented me from wiring anything up, like a scoreboard. Next, if I stood at one end of the arena and shot the ball toward the other end, the collision barriers on the pieces would unload, causing the ball to fall through the floor halfway to the other side. I figured I could maybe shrink the arena by half, but HG actually fixed that issue. There were some other roadblocks, too, like needing to find a better planet to build it on, making the design simple enough to avoid lag and unloading, and others, but I eventually found solutions for all of them.

So...wanna play?

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