Murray Rothbard deepfake predicting lockdowns & podcasting in 1990 (Tom Woods 2,000th episode)

2 years ago

Jimmy Morrison, who co-wrote The Housing Bubble and The Bigger Bubble documentaries with Tom Woods, made this deepfake of Murray Rothbard to commemorate the 2,000th episode of The Tom Woods Show on October 16, 2021. The video was compiled from Murray's talk The Future of Austrian Economics just a few days after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Introduction by Jeff Deist.

Easter Eggs: Walter Block, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Lew Rockwell, Jeffrey Herbener, & Yuri Maltsev

"We have a lot of things to gripe about here. We have a lot of monstrous trends at work in the United States. We've gone through cataclysmic changes in the world, and what we've seen I think is the whole world has changed in one year, and we're locked in.

Of course we all know everybody's lives were organized by the state and commanded by the state. The government has all these dread instruments of torture and high technology at their command. How can the average person resist this? And you know, we've all read Orwell's 1984. Of course, this is a very gloomy picture. In this situation, one person decided to do something about it. This person is Tom Woods, who is responsible for everything that we have today.

He was unbelievably sweet. He was constantly urging people, finding research projects for people to do, which you usually didn't do of course, but always coming up with ideas and always being unfailingly courteous, and non-bitter about what had happened to him. But as I say, he pressed on and was extraordinarily productive and extraordinarily cheerful in this whole process.

Tom went ahead with no donations, no endowment, no pledges, no nothing. No big daddy billionaire or nothing. Just an idea and tremendous energy and organizational genius, entrepreneurial genius of the highest order. As a result, we have all of this today.

The point that Woods was really making was that since he believed that people do change history, that ideas do change history, that people are conscious actors and their decisions really determine events, it’s very important for everyone, not just scholars, not just philosophers and economists. It’s important for everyone. All the general public, businessmen in the public, to understand the importance of the free market. To understand that crippling the free market is death, in the literal sense.

Part of the case for optimism about the future is the fact that something happened, which nobody had predicted would happen in any sort, at least at that time. Tom started his own podcast. It was sort of a candle in the darkness, and the result of this is the growth of The Tom Woods Show, both in content and quality and quantity and in influence.

One of the great things about it, in addition to the fact that it shows the spirit of freedom cannot be wiped out in mankind, is that it shows the power of ideas. We should always remember that ideas in the long run can trump economic interests. The whole revolutionary implosion in the Eastern Europe shows the powerful influence of ideas, because they simply said nuts to you. We’re not going to obey orders anymore. It was like non-violent mass civil disobedience on a fantastic scale.

With the growth of the power of ideas, I really think in the long run truth wins out. And of course this could be too long a run for us to worry about. Of course, if you follow what you believe, not only is it a very joyful thing to do it, but you also win out, which I think we are going to win. Thank you."

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