Jude 1:12-13 I am looking out for number one

2 years ago

Jude 1:12-13 I am looking out for number one
There is an old saying that some people use to govern their life, “I am going to look out for number 1.” This means that an individual is primarily concerned with what is best for their self and is going to do what benefits them the most. If there is an issue that will require them to choose between themselves and someone else, you better believe they are going to choose in their favor. We have grown to accept this mentality and behavior in our modern society, but this is something that we can’t except in the church. As Jude continues to speak of those misleading the church into the path of abusing the grace of God, he says that these people are only out for themselves. They are shepherds who only feed themselves, clouds that are without rain blown by the wind, trees without fruit, etc. To put it mildly, they don’t care about you and only care about themselves.
This is the opposite mentality that children of God should have as Jesus was our examples of always putting others needs above our own. He said that the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep and is more concerned with their life over his own. (John 10:11) Those who abuse the grace of God by indulging in their flesh desires or teaching others in the church that it is okay to do so are simply selfish individuals who have no concern for anyone other than themselves. This type of behavior has no place in the body of Christ and Jude says that the blackest darkness is reserved forever these those who partake in this behavior. As followers of Christ we should be seeking to meet the needs of those around us and live out the acronym “JOY”. Jesus first, other next, then you when it comes to our priorities.

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