关于被提的错误盼望(WarningThePeople)False Hope of the Rapture

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/LyAU2jCoIck

2022年8月8日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople


If you would like to message him, his email is warningthepeople1@gmail.com




让基督徒失去信心的一个错误的盼望就是对被提的错误盼望。 很多基督徒持定这个教义,认为他们永远不会尝到肉体的死味,耶稣会在他们生命中发生任何患难之前回来,他们穷尽一生不断的等待,等待着被提的那一天,但却什么也没有发生,他们开始灰心失望。直到他们最终去世,所有人都知道他们从没被提。 为什么耶稣没有在他们活着的时候来呢? 他们都是非常好的人,他们爱主,为什么他们没有被提? 为什么他们遭到了逼迫? 为什么他们的生活也遇到了患难?于是,许多基督徒失去了盼望,因为他们寄信心于错误的理解上,对经文错误的解释上,寄信心于"被提走"、空中相遇、主的再来、末世预言等错误的观念上。 基督徒把他们的信心寄于传道人身上,寄于他们对圣经的解读上,而没有寄于耶稣基督身上。

耶稣没有说过我们遭遇患难时会被提走,他也没有说过我们会在肉体死亡之前被提走,但耶稣教导过,我们必须忍耐到底,就会得救。 (马太福音24:13)如果我们想和耶稣一起忍耐到底,我们必须要明白,我们会在这个世上经历痛苦、试炼和艰难 (参读使徒行传14:22)。我们必须定下心来,在各种试炼和艰难中奋力前行,与耶稣基督一起忍耐到我们生命的最后一刻,也就是我们的肉体死亡的那一刻。

如果你想谈真正的被提,那就谈一谈与耶稣一起忍耐到死,之后耶稣会让你的灵复活,把你的灵从死去的肉体中提出来,进入与他永远同在的永生中,因为真实的情况就是,只要你在耶稣里死了,你的肉体就死了,但你的灵会与圣灵在一起! 如果你寄信心于耶稣基督,你的灵就属于神的灵。 但如果你拒绝圣灵,你的身体死了,你的灵就会被魔鬼拉下地狱。 不要相信 "被提 "的错误教义,说你不会经历试炼、艰难、逼迫和对基督徒的仇恨,说你会在世上顺风顺水的生活着,之后你就会被提。 你需要寄信心于耶稣真正说过的话上,寄信心于他的真理。要与他一起忍耐到最后。 但不要被讲道人的谎言和教会中错误的教义欺骗而失望。 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

False Hope of the Rapture

One false hope that Christians lose faith over is the false hope of the rapture. A lot of Christians hold onto this doctrine thinking that they will never taste physical death, that Jesus will return before any tribulation happens in their life, and when they go through their life waiting and waiting for the rapture and it doesn’t happen, they start to be discouraged, and then they end up dying and everyone knows they were never raptured. But why didn’t Jesus come in their lifetime? They were a really good person, they loved the Lord, why were they not raptured? Why did they see persecution? Why did they see all these troubles in their life? Many Christians lose hope over because they have put their faith in false understandings, false interpretations of the scripture, false ideas of the “snatching up”, the gathering in the clouds, the return of the Lord, end times prophecies etc. Christians are putting their faith in the preachers, in their understandings of the Bible instead of in Jesus Christ. Jesus did not say that we would be snatched out of our problems, He didn’t say that we would be raptured out of our physical bodies BEFORE we PHYSICALLY DIE, but Jesus taught that we have to endure to the VERY END, then we will be saved. (Matthew 24:13) If we want to endure to the very end with Jesus, we have to know that we will go through suffering, trials and tribulations in this world. (Read Acts 14:22) We have to set our heats and minds on pushing through all trials and tribulations and enduring with Jesus Christ to the VERY END of our life, which means our PHYSICAL DEATH. If you want to talk about a real rapture, talk about enduring with Jesus to your death, and then Jesus resurrecting your spirit, pulling your spirit out of your dead body, your physical dead body, into everlasting life with Him, because the truth is, as SOON as you die in JESUS, your physical body dies, but your spirit goes to be with the HOLY SPIRIT! Your spirit belongs to the Spirit of God, IF you have put your faith in Jesus Christ. But if you reject the Holy Spirit and you physically die, your spirit is pulled down by demons into hell. Don’t believe the false doctrine of the rapture that says you will not have to go through trials, tribulation, persecution, hatred of Christians, but that you will just sail through this world and then you will be raptured. You need to put your faith in what Jesus actually said, put your faith in HIS TRUTH. Endure to the VERY END with HIM. But don’t be deceived and discouraged by the preacher lies and the false doctrines in church. May they grace of Jesus be with you.

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