Will The Government Save You?

1 year ago

You need to search on who you really trust

Do you trust the government to save you?

Will they ride in on their white horse and make sure that you - and your family - will be OK?

Or could things no go so well?

In the end who do you trust?

I discuss all of that - and more - in this video.

Please join me in the comments with your thoughts.

Video Contents:

0:00 - Introduction
1:20 - Disclaimer
1:27 - Government Exists To Serve The People
3:41 - The But
5:57 - Who Do You Rely On?
8:15 - They’ve Let Many People Down
10:15 - So You Have To Decide
11:29 - Conclusion


NOTE: While legal issues are discussed this is education and is not legal advice. It is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. Please consult your own attorney on your situation and to get legal advice about your circumstances. Courts are unpredictable may disagree with the author’s opinions.

This is not financial or investment advice.

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#government #solutions #problems

Video Concepts:

Will The Government Save You, government, solutions, problems, planning for shtf, shtf, prepping, planning on the government, relying on the government, economic downturn, economic downturn plannings, recession, depression, economic issues, dealing with the economy, reconomic problems, saved by the government, government issues, planning for problems, r shawn mcbride, mcbride for business

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