Kentucky Hunting Land VLOG Trespassers and cleaning up messes...

5 years ago

Join me for the latest Kentucky Land VLOG as I visit Kentucky for opening weekend of deer season. I did some hunting and quickly confirmed what I suspected during my last visit bow hunting, that this property is going to need a lot of work! By work I mean reducing the hunting pressure and increasing the attractiveness for deer. This property has clearly been hunted in very sloppy fashion, so as we have done many times before we're going to need to change up just about everything about this place. I also saw a fresh set of truck tracks going in to the property, Trespassers! I saw the gate swinging open, after I had closed it (but did not lock it... Guess that won't happen again!). I can't say for sure when they came in. They could have hunted that morning, or came in at night shining deer. They also left litter from McDonald's right there at the gate as if to add insult to injury! Any way, I did a few stealth runs through the property with the electric Intimidator UTV, and also made a run with the Polaris Ranger XP900 to move a bunch of cameras and add a bunch of new ones so I can keep a better eye on the place. Thanks for joining me, stay tuned to the channel to follow all of our land management projects at our Illinois farm, our new Kentucky farm and farmhouse rehab projects, tractor projects, excavator projects, hunting, fishing, and country living adventures. Kapper Outdoors, living the dream, one acre at a time.

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