Children Are A Gift From God, Shepherd Them Accordingly | Episode 30

2 years ago

Sunday again with another new episode! We hit 30 episodes today. Thank you all for listening!

Today, I try to transform an overwhelming feeling into a coherent thought. I think we get close. As I look at my children, I am overcome with joy. In this episode, I both share how wonderful these gifts from God are as well as acknowledging my duty to them. As their father, I will shepherd and guide them towards becoming followers of God: living virtuously, honoring God, and praising His name. I intend for them to reject vice and embrace virtue, to follow the narrow path, and the chase a relationship with Christ. This is the goal of all parents. Hopefully, you and yours are honoring this duty you've been blessed with.

God bless you! Remember Him when you head into work this week. You are saved through Christ.

If you want to support the show, please share it on social media with those around you. Lots of growth lately, and I appreciate every one of you! Additionally, you can check out our store at I'll be shuffling the available merchandise soon, so grab it while you can! New designs are fantastic, and I can't wait to share them with you.

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