V4, 30-30 Win. Redding T7 Turret, Starline Brass, Prepping the New Cartridge Case

5 years ago

V4, 30-30 Win. Redding T7 Turret, Starline Brass, Prepping the New Cartridge Case

One huge mistake that reloaders can make is to seat the bullet into the cartridge case without running the expander ball through the neck first. If you have been reloading that way, that’s OK!!! You came to the right place and I’m glad to help you. This video is informative to the topic and I show how to properly lube the necks of your cases. My first preference is Starline Brass and it is always best to start with new cases. Click on the links below to easily order your Staline Brass and have it sent directly to you. God bless and thanks for watching. Highboy

By purchasing through the Brownells “bitly” links you are helping to support our channel. It is always greatly appreciated… Highboy

Starline at Brownells: http://bit.ly/30gNmVd
Starline Website: https://www.starlinebrass.com/30-30-winchester
Starline Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StarlineBrass/

76Highboy Reloading forum: http://76highboy.com/index.php
Facebook: 76Highboy Reloading Guns, Ammo and Bullet Casting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2011421259076530/
Facebook: 76Highboy Dillon Precision Reloaders: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2354361474819067/

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