Lehi Gives His Family a Final Blessing | 2 Nephi 1–4 | #FaithToAct | Book of Mormon Videos

5 years ago

2 Nephi 1–4 | Lehi teaches that Jesus Christ is central to God’s plan of salvation and that those who follow the Savior and keep His commandments will be blessed.

The Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ
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😇Come Unto Christ - Faith to Act - http://www.faithtoact.com

#Christian #BookofMormon #FaithToAct #LightTheWorld #ComeUntoChrist

"Lehi, a Book of Mormon prophet, has a vision of the destruction of Jerusalem. He teaches that Jesus Christ is central to God’s plan of salvation. Those who are righteous and keep the commandments will be blessed. God allows for opposition in all things so that happiness, goodness, and righteousness can exist. We are free to choose eternal life and joy through following Jesus Christ. Lehi teaches his son Joseph about his lineage from Joseph of Egypt. He also reveals that Joseph of Egypt prophesied of Joseph Smith. Lehi blesses his family and tells them that their descendants will not perish but will ultimately be blessed.

Based on 2 Nephi 1–4.

The Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ
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😇Come Unto Christ - Faith to Act - http://www.faithtoact.com

#Christian #BookofMormon #FaithToAct #LightTheWorld #ComeUntoChrist

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