Isaiah 28 commentary

4 years ago

This in depth study of Isaiah 28 also incorporates: Isaiah 29, Joel 2, Joel 3, Amos 8, Isaiah 7, Isaiah 8, Isaiah 32, Revelation 6, Revelation 16, Isaiah 13 and Daniel 11 & 12. Take notice that both Isaiah 28:21-22 and Lamentations 1:21-22 are talking about the same thing. (Time of Jacob's Trouble) which is phase 1 of the day of the Lord also called "wrath of Him who sits on the throne". It will be followed by the wrath of the Lamb at the 7th Bowl after the "It is done" is shouted in heaven.
Here is the link to my 70th Week of Daniel folder at KeepandShare. There you will find around 300 short studies that I have done on the last days. You can preview these studies or download them. All are free and please share with the brethren:

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