p1. pt1 of 8 - THE DARK WAR AGAINST THE HUMAN SOUL - pt 1 of 8

2 years ago

Third Eye ForeSight .com: https://thirdeyeforesight.com/
Part 4 of 8:
Part 3 of 8:
Part 2 of 8:
Part 1 of 8:

Third Eye ForeSight is about empowering the human spirit with the Laws of the Supreme Creator to create a better world for all sentient beings on Earth.
Know thyself, and thou shalt know the Universe and God. – Pythagoras
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When Science Fiction becomes reality. Science Fiction becomes reality.

Self-Examination: Do you really know who you are? What is the true meaning of self-respect looked like? Do you know what it feels like to have self-respect for your Higher Self?

Are you willing to take a journey to understand the Soul and the human condition why things are the ways they are and how we can overcome these obstacles?
It begins with the Study of the Self and the knowledge of the Creator of the universe known as the Laws of the Universe, Spiritual Laws, Cosmic Laws, Laws of Karma, Natural Laws, etc.

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Link to my other videos to watch:
What does it look like when Science Fiction becomes our Subjective Reality: https://www.bitchute.com/video/U3pXaRf88FRg/

How Self Examination can save your Life - Spiritual Laws: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OoNqlQngjEwI/

The Spiritual Laws of our Reality:

philosophy, occult science, spirituality, natural laws, spiritual laws, hermetic principles, science, religions, 3rd Eye, ascension, psychic, creator, law of attraction, 5th dimension, Pleiadean, reality, intuition, third eye foresight

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