Marvel Gamerverse Punisher War Machine Legends Helmet - # 166

5 years ago

Marvel Gamerverse 懲罰者戰爭機器傳奇頭盔 - 玩具模型分享第一百六十六
I don't play the Future Fight video game, but I like the helmet a lot. The weathering is well done. But, I do have to say about the LED eyes are not so good. In the daytime, the LEDs are not visible at all. And the worst part is wearing the helmet the LEDs will hinder the already limited visibility making the limited vision even worst. With the faceplate closed, breathing could be a problem too ~ at least could be a problem on a warm day. AIR! I NEED AIR! I also like the moveable pull-out chin guard(I have not opened my Ironman helmet yet, I assume both are the same). The moveable backplate I think, is unnecessary because the pull-out chin guard already gets the jobs done. The backplate is very annoying too. It keeps popping out when handling the helmet. One of these days, I might glue that plate in place. Oh, and the mechanical sound effect is a nice touch, but I wish I have the option to turn it off and only keep the LEDs. Overall the Punisher mask is well made. I'm glad to have one.

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