Vatican Agent - Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO)

2 years ago

Tedros was elected as Director-General of the World Health Organization by the World Health Assembly on 23 May 2017, becoming the first director-general who is NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR.

He identifies as an "Orthodox Christian", aka Catholic.

In 1986, Tedros received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from the University of Asmara. In 1986, after his first degree, Tedros joined the Ethiopian Ministry of Health as a junior public health expert.


University of Asmara

The University of Asmara (UoA) was a public university in Asmara, Eritrea. The nation's first university. The university was founded as the "Catholic College of Santa Famiglia" in 1958 by the "Piae Madres Nigritiae" (Comboni Sisters).

The university was founded with the name "Collegio Cattolico della Santa Famiglia": the roots were in the 1941 "Scuola di Medicina". The roots of the university are connected to the 1940s when Dr. Vincenzo Di Meglio promoted the creation of the "School of Medicine" in Italian Asmara. It is also linked historically to the Istituto Italiano Statale Omnicomprensivo di Asmara


Comboni Missionary Sisters

Daniele Comboni was a missionary in Sudan briefly in 1858–1859. He established a male religious order, the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, on 1 June 1867.

Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus
(originally called the Sons of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) (aka Society of Jesus)

The leadership and teaching in the institute were entrusted to the Jesuits. - Gilli, A., ed. (1976). Dizionario degli Istituti di Perfezione (in Italian). Vol. III. Milano, Italy: Edizioni Paoline.

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