PG&E Holiday

4 years ago

First song is an oldie from 1987, “The PG&E Song” only released on a 45rpm single back in the day. It surfaced via a phone call while at Cabela’s, since posted to Dropbox:

Second tune is “Lightbulb” from Michigan band named The Rival. These guys still maintain a YouTube channel last time we checked:

Full tank, bag packed, I’m outta here. Beautiful Fall day, great excuse for a ride.
First blackout was relatively small, a practice run, as it were. Second blackout on this day was total, all of Nevada County was dark for at least 48 hours, along with many other counties. Some areas were without power for nearly a week. Markets without backup generators (and only two here were so equipped) lost thousands of dollars worth of food, as did restaurants. Store shelves were empty, gas was hard to come by, and we all lost work as virtually everything ground to a halt. Subsequent blackouts after this one left power on in commercial districts. Nice.
Rode the entire length of Nevada County. The only wind was coming from Governor Nuisance.

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