Jesuit Covid Pogrom - Biological State & Murderous Racial Hygiene

2 years ago

Point for point, the Jesuits who created Nazism (Replacement Theology) are using all the same tactics to drive the Covid Murderous Racial Hygiene Pogrom of end times. Another Vatican Holocaust is here and people cannot see it for what it truly is.

Pogrom is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Nazism was “applied biology,” stated Hitler deputy Rudolf Hess. (CATHOLICS)

Many German physicians and scientists who had supported racial hygiene ideas before 1933 embraced the new regime’s emphasis on biology and heredity... backed by sweeping police powers, silenced critics of Nazi eugenics and supporters of individual rights.

Our starting point is not the individual, and we do not subscribe to the view that one should feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, or clothe the naked....Our objectives are entirely different: we must have a healthy people in order to prevail in the world.
—Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, 1938

When Nazi racial hygiene was implemented, the categories of persons and groups regarded as biologically threatening to the health of the nation were greatly expanded. Sounds like Covid language, right? Severe risk, underlying conditions....???

The most important aspect to comparing the two identical situations is the time frame. The most crucial years of WW2 were in the build up to the war, from 1933 to 1939 (and even earlier in some respects). Covid is a political ideology and nothing more, for Jesuit social engineering.

Nazis justified murder in the name of euthanasia—“mercy death”—and enlisted hundreds of asylum directors, pediatricians, psychiatrists, family doctors, and nurses. Many of those who had earlier rejected euthanasia as a eugenics measure came to support murder “for the good of the Fatherland.”


Racial Hygiene in German-Occupied Poland:
- the elimination of Poland’s political and intellectual leaders through mass executions or imprisonment;
- the deportation of Poles, Jews, and Roma (Gypsies) out of areas incorporated into the Reich; colonization by resettled Germans;
- and the “Germanization” of racially “valuable” Poles. Hundreds of experts trained in racial hygiene helped screen tens of thousands of individuals for genetic and racial “fitness.”

*Sounds like Covid-19, right?
- eliminate dissidents / censorship
- loss of employment and living standards for unvaccinated
- immigration of Catholics foreigners to resettle for colonization
- screening for 'genetic' fitness
Euthanasia murders resumed in other guises; patients were killed by means of starvation diets and overdoses of medication in hospitals and mental institutions throughout the country.

Sounds like Covid-19, right?
- hospitals stopping surgeries / procedures
- long-term care homes destroying the lives of the elderly
- ventilators for Covid-19 - 'overdose' to kill people. Ventilators are not used for pneumonia/flu.
- restricting or destruction of food supply to form malnutrition
Physicians were drawn disproportionately to Nazism due to overcrowding in the profession aggravated by economic depression

Sounds like Covid-19, right?
- high inflation
- high interest
- unstable economy
- loss of work for the 'undesirable'
Family physicians helped identify candidates for forced sterilization and other medical personnel carried out the approximately 400,000 sterilization procedures.

Sounds like Covid-19, right?
- sterilization or men and women
- sterilization of children
- FORCED on the people to comply
German (Nazi) physicians and nurses became perpetrators in the murder of children and adults deemed "incurably ill." Many of the medical personnel in the "euthanasia," or T4, program for the clandestine murder of institutionalized Germans (mostly non-Jews) by gassing were screened for ideological beliefs and political loyalty.

Sounds like Covid-19, right?
- political loyalty
- ideological beliefs
- "unvaccinated hold unacceptable views..." - Jesuit Trudeau and other Jesuit Catholics worldwide
Nazism created false death certificates
Sounds like Covid-19 death certificates, right?
Kingdom Builders = bloody murderers.
Roman Emperor Hitler wanted a “Thousand-Year Reich”. They are trying to bring in the "Millennium Kingdom", without the Lord Jesus Christ. (As if they have right to this.) The Lord Jesus Christ will establish and set up HIS thousand year reign, HIS KINGDOM, when HE returns. The "Fourth Reich" is nothing more than the "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" purposed by Catholic Klaus Schwab.

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