5 years ago

The feminist movement began out of necessity, so that women could be granted their God given right as human beings. In the beginning, it was a good thing. Since then, it has morphed into a sick, sociopathic movement that has yielded a nation of narcissistic women who believe that they are entitled to everything, including men's dignity, purpose and resources.

Instead of taking responsibility for anything, they blame everything on "the patriarchy" and "men." And, to a point, they are correct. It is because MEN have been trained to stay silent, accept abuse and "man up," silently, suffering in quiet desperation.

Jordan Peterson quoted "Weak men are not 'good' men. 'Good men' are men who are capable of violence who choose to restrain himself." This is the time for "GOOD MEN" to wake up. It's time to respond to the destruction of the family, our children and our manhood with violence of ACTION. It's time for men to stop lowering their heads in the "Yes, Dear!" slave chant and raise their eyes upward. It's time for men to stand up for ourselves, our sons and the future generations of men that will follow us.
This is a crucial point in American history. What will history say about this generation of men? We are all dead men! Unfortunately, we don't get to say how. But what we can do is be sure that we die as MEN!

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