5 Things All Good Golfers Do - Step By Step Drills So You Can Too

4 years ago

There are 5 things that all good golfers do in their swing. Watch now to learn what they are and how you can ingrain them into your golf swing.

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5 Things All Good Golfers Do - Step By Step Drills So You Can Too

#TopSpeedGolf #ClayBallard #Lag #StableSpine #PowerTurn #StraightLineRelease #CompressionLine

Click For Free Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URTIrVQOJJE&list=PL56E-0buNuzPo2DSKo2pN23OdlkUoLIfy&index=31&t=4s
Proper Golf Swing Release

Click For Free Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsqawkB5TwI&list=PL56E-0buNuzPo2DSKo2pN23OdlkUoLIfy&index=33&t=318s
Clay Ballard Golf Swing | All Angles

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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Click For Free Video: https://topspeedgolf.com/your-free-video-lag/?ytvid=Nl4VMhWa3PQ
5 Things All Good Golfers Do - Step By Step Drills So You Can Too

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