Blowhard in Brian Head, UT | Google Maps Gems

4 years ago

⛷ Come savor a donut and a ski slope in Brian Head, Utah. We'll meet the town's elderly mayor, explore some epic cabins for sale, and be confused by a Google Maps glitch. On the way we'll learn what the town is ranked #1 and #2 for, and discover an unforgettably named mountain.

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🗓 Itinerary
0:00 Welcome
00:44 Brian Head, Utah
01:42 The Wikipedia page
02:50 About the mayor, H.C. "Dutch" Deutschlander
03:22 We meet some unwelcome ads
05:26 Checking it out on Google Maps and Blowhard Mountain
06:39 Sasquatch Donuts
08:53 Google Streetview
09:30 Google Images
09:39 Why it's called Brian Head
10:44 Property Time on Zillow

🎵 Music (all licensed through Epidemic Sound)
Background music: Earl Grey by Dylan Sitts
Title and end card music: Eastern Shades by Matt Large

🎨 Resources
Select images and other content licensed through Envato Elements, Pexels, Wikimedia Commons, and Pixabay. Memes are... well, memes. Big thanks to someone for naming Brian Head, and Google and Wikipedia for the maps and articles from which to make content. Not sure where this video would be without it.

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