Liverpool Fans and Causeuality - Heysel and Hillsborough..!

1 year ago

When Liverpool Fans Boo The National Anthem they are disrespecting every other football fan in ENGLAND..!
Liverpool Fans and Lord Faulkner - Liverpool fans put Lord Falkner Tony Blairs ex flatmate to head a commission into looking at what happened and how fans died at Hillsborough THATS THE SAME Lord Faulkner who would not allow a coroner to look into the DEATH of Dr David Kelly the man who said there were no Weapons Of Mass Destruction in Iraq - Tony Blair and Alister Campbell had created that lie so they could invade Iraq with America and George Bush - Dr David Kelly then in suspicious circumstances committed suicide and the WAR BASED OIN LIES went ahead and more that a million innocent men/women/children/ and baby's were killed in that WAR FOR LIES...! But hey so long as Liverpool fans were happy with Lord Faulkner then who are we to take issue... All those British soldiers who died for that WAR FOR LIES and Lord Faulkner blocked the coroners court into looking into it/the Death of Dr David Kelly..!

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