Riderless Horse - August 5, 2022

2 years ago

As we were coming out of the restaurant where always go for a fish dinner in Farwell, MI the funeral procession was just beginning to move through town. They were staging the mounted division to our right. We had just learned, as we were eating, of the tragic death of a young mounted deputy the week before while working at the county fair, and it was heavy on our minds as we ate. Then we emerged to see the procession lining up to begin. I did some video about it, showing bits but not all; I recorded very discreetly from inside the car - unlike the drones buzzing overhead - and didn't record the family/friends in their cars of course. It was very emotional for us...my husband as a former cop, both of my grandfathers in law enforcement (one as a Captain, one as a Lieutenant in charge of the mounted division in a large city)...we felt the loss deeply though we didn't know her. Here are the bits I recorded, it was a beautiful, wonderful procession.

(If interested, you can look up Nichole Marie Shuff at the campbell-fh dot com site.)

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