Effortless Golf Swing | Simple Move For Easy Power

4 years ago

If you struggle to release the club AFTER impact, you're going to love today's drill. It will FINALLy give you the "feel" of a proper release and will have you using less effort and hitting with more power.

Click For Free Video: https://topspeedgolf.com/your-free-video-move-1-3/?ytvid=lTkoRNgf-jI
Effortless Golf Swing | Simple Move For Easy Power

#TopSpeedGolf #ClayBallard #StraightLineRelease #EffortlessPower

Click For Free Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL6aL7YCQlk&list=PL56E-0buNuzPo2DSKo2pN23OdlkUoLIfy&index=7&t=2s
The Secret to Lag in the Golf Swing

Click For Free Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIDFQ3W0eeg&list=PL56E-0buNuzPo2DSKo2pN23OdlkUoLIfy&index=8&t=302s
The Move That Changed My Golf Swing Forever

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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Click For Free Video: https://topspeedgolf.com/your-free-video-move-1-3/?ytvid=lTkoRNgf-jI
Effortless Golf Swing | Simple Move For Easy Power

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