Need to Know News (5 August 2022) with Joe Olson and Maryam Henein

1 year ago

Finland and Sweden are putting themselves at risk by joining NATO, which the US Senate has now approved by an overwhelming vote, suggesting the Senate is demented when it comes to foreign policy (as though that were not already a given). More heavy weapons are being sent to Ukraine, where US troops are supervising their use in combat, which (as I see it) makes the US a co-belligerent and subject to lawful attack by Russia in response. Bernie Sanders wants to strip the fossil fuel handouts from the Manchin deal, as though Manchin would continue to support it if they were taken out. I used to think Bernie had a brain in his head, but I am dissuaded that is not in fact the case. SCOTUS has now ruled that Biden was entitled to end the "stay in Mexico" policy introduced by President Trump, which will now allow even more illegals to enter the United States in a legally sanctioned invasion of America. The US Post Office is ceasing delivery at various locations on multiple grounds, including assaults and threats to postal workers. One Blake Masters and others opposed by the left have won their primary contests, more of which will take place next Tuesday, Mike Adams goes a bit over-the-top with his analysis of the outcome of a war between the US and China. A Michigan town has voted to defund the local library for shelving LGBTQ+ material, which is going to happen more and more across the country. And Alex Jones has been smacked down with a $4 million judgment that is going to increase many times over at the penalty damage stage. This is a huge effort to destroy Freedom of Speech for those of us who are exposing the "false flags" and staged events carried out by the Deep State. Stand by for more!

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