SuperFood Fruit Smoothie With A Twist Sneaky Healthiest Hidden Ingredient: Celery. Easy Simple Cheap

4 years ago

In this video I share my SuperFood Smoothie using easy, simple and cheap ingredients with a twist sneaky hidden Celery stalk. Healthiest smoothie ever, it tastes & smell amazing.
It reminds me the filling of a custard pie, but you will never guess the hidden ingredient which in a way is the star of this refreshing, filling, super good for you recipe.


2 frozen bananas
1 apple
2 clementine or 1 orange
1 thick slice of whole lemon
1 celery stalk
up to a cup of fridge cold liquid - i use ice water and raw milk - any other plant based milks are perfect too.

You must try it for yourself

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#HealthyOrganicRecipes #SuperFoodSmoothie

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