KEN BERRY 2a | Myth: fruit has fiber, vitamins: so, is super healthy

2 years ago
2.79K presents episode 533 | Dr Ken Berry
KenDBerryMD podcast

Dr Ken Berry:
Myth #2: the fructose & sugar in fruit
-is magical & healthy!
-and different than the fructose in a coke

"There is no difference!
There is nothing magical about fruit sugar

Dr Ken Berry:
Myth #2: the fructose & sugar in fruit
-is magical & healthy!
-and different than the fructose in a coke

"There is no difference!
There is nothing magical about fruit sugar

Myth #3: fruits have fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients
-the goodness of these outweigh the badness of the sugars
"What if I added fiber, vitamins & polyphenols to a coke?
-would that make it healthy for your child?"

Dr Ken Berry:
"I love fruit! Mango is my favorite!
-if I ate a lot, I would develop fatty liver &
-my blood sugar would go sky high"
-so, I choose not to eat fruit very often
-I fatten easily
-I develop hyperinsulinemia easily
-so, I eat a diet that keeps my blood sugar & insulin low
-and keeps my liver free of fats
-this health outweighs the flavor of the sugar in fruits
(link to Dr Berry's original Youtube video is in the description below)


Original Youtube:
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