WOMEN acting like MEN.

4 years ago

It's the men who are angry at the current temperature in our social climate who can't wait to hear something to validate their own rage that I'm talking to. It's the men who have been left feeling defeated, attacked and minimized by the female imperative and the many heads of the government monster that has ripped their lives from them that I'm addressing. It's to all men who have "played the game," only to wonder why we're losing so badly.

Many times, we leave out the most important part of "the things that happen to us" because they incriminate us on a punishable level. We want people on "our side." And I am heavily on the side of men, because I am a man and I don't agree with the way things are in our world today. But I don't believe that I've been victimized.

The part of the story that men are leaving out is our own role in the world we see. This video is a glimpse into the accountability mirror where I encourage men to look at how they've shown up with women/girls throughout their lives and factor in the question: What if EVERYTHING you do/did in life mattered?

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