God wrath will be poured out on all the wicked and lukewarm phony church people!!

1 year ago

God has had enough with the wicked and lukewarm dead pastors and church people!! He will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world and no one is safe!! Only those sealed with God seal on their forehead will be safe, everyone else will not be!! The wicked deserve to suffer!! Everyone who mocked God will not be mocking God after the rapture happens!! All the rich, mighty, generals, slaves and free will tell the mountains to fall on them and hide them from the wrath of the Lamb!! Jesus is the King of Kings and when Jesus comes back in the second coming after the tribulation ends, He will destroy the antichrist, false prophet and everyone who worships the antichrist!! He will throw them into the lake of fire and everyone else He will use His sword against them and kill them!! God will pour out His Bowl judgements on everyone who got the vaccines and made them!! They worship the antichrist are are serving Satan now!! They will kill anyone who doesn't worship the antichrist and will kill them!! All the 7 trumpet judgements will sound and hail the size of a house will fall to earth and it will kill anyone it hits!! All the water will turn into blood and poison, demons will be let out of hell and will sting all the wicked and those who hate God!! Huge earthquakes will hit everywhere and thousands of people will die! There will be no food at all, all sea life will die!! America will be destroyed as judgement for dividing the land of Israel and rejecting God!! Russia, Iran, China and north Korea will launch missiles and will hit America and will come into America and will kill anyone they see! They will take prisoners of war, all churches and bibles will be destroyed, you can't enter any stores without the vaccine mark of the beast, they will scan everyone who enters the store and they will not be nice to those who do not worship the antichrist!! They will kill them and will be happy about it, the 4 demonic angels will be released and will kill all the wicked!! People will be raping each other, killing each other, turning each other in, hiding will be very hard to do in the tribulation period!! All the cities will be controlled by the antichrist beast world government, all the police and military will be used by the antichrist and will be one world police and military! There will be one world religion and one world government, it is already here and people are so blind to see it, those who got the vaccines are already slaves of the antichrist! He will put the mircochiop in you All and will control everything you do, he knows who you are and will track everything you do, the two witnesses will be in Jerusalem and will be killed by the antichrist and all the wicked will celebrate! The antichrist will break his treaty with Israel and will go after the Jews and anyone who doesn't worship him!! He will surround jersalem and destroy it and all who live there to, the whore Catholic Church will be destroyed to for being fat with blood of thousands of people the wicked Catholic Church has killed and made to suffer!! The Catholic Church is the great harlot in revelation full of blood of thousands of saints that the wicked Catholic Church has killed in ancient Rome and middle ages, Pope Francis is the false prophet and will be in charge of the one world religion! The antichrist whoever he is will show up after the rapture happens and say I am the Messiah!! He will sit in the third temple in Jerusalem and say to get rid of all your religious beliefs and worship only him, the tribulation period is 7 years long, 7 is judgement in Hebrew, God will have the 7 trumpets blown by 7 angels, 7 angels will pour out 7 Bowl judgements, it is not a game anymore!! Judgement is here and thousands of people will just be gone before the 7 year tribulation begins! God will make all the wicked suffer His wrath!! All those who abused kids, wives or coworkers will suffer God wrath, all the Rich will suffer God wrath for they stole from the poor and made themselves fat, all the gays lesbians and trans Sodomites will suffer God wrath! God hates sexually immorality!! All the murderers and those who kill babies will suffer God wrath, all the lukewarm phony church people and pastors will suffer God wrath! They act like they know God but do not, all the liars will suffer God wrath, all the drunks will suffer God wrath, all the false religious people like Mormons, Jehovah witness, Catholics, church of Christ, Muslims, Hindu, buddist and everyone who follows a false religion or cult will suffer God wrath, all the magic arts lovers, will suffer God wrath, all the mockers and scoffers will suffer God wrath, all the naysayers who say I will follow Jesus but but but I want to enjoy life or I will do it later will suffer God wrath, all the sex offenders will suffer God wrath, all those who sleep around with a married man or woman will suffer God wrath, all those who gossip and cause discord will suffer God wrath, all those who use God name in vain will suffer God wrath!! There are no wicked allowed into the new Jerusalem at all! Nope or lukewarm phony church people and pastors, your name is not found written you will not enter heaven or the new Jerusalem, God will judge everyone who rejected Jesus at the great white throne judgement!! Cain to all those who will live during Jesus thousands year rein will be at the great white throne, God will judge everyone according to what they did alive, those in America will be judged harsher then those who lived in north Korea or jungles in Africa, then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, heaven and earth fled from His site and the dead were called up, the sea gave up the dead that was in them, hell and Hades gave up the dead that was in it and books were opened and one book was opened which was the book of life, the dead were judged according to what was written in the books and if anyone name was not found written in the Lamb book of life they were thrown into the lake of fire and they shall be tormented forever and ever, it is not a game anymore! After the rapture happens the tribulation period begins!! It will be hell on earth!!!! You have been warned to repent and get ready but you refused, once the trumpet sounds that is it, true believers will not be in the tribulation period at all but in heaven, all the lukewarm phony church people and pastors will be left behind and will have to decide between Jesus or the antichrist!! To be killed for their faith or join the antichrist cowards and suffer God wrath in the tribulation and after it, there is no middle ground at all

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