Bkash Loan From City Bank!!! How to Get Loan From Bkash❓❓ Urgent Personal loan in Bangladesh💰💰2021

4 years ago

Hello friends, Today i will discuss about bkash loan with city bank.Recently bkash announce a news that bkash give to loan to their consumer with city bank.The amount of loan is 10000 BDT first time & it can be increased later.In this loan consumer don't have to submit any document or never go to bank for this.In bkash app AI technology automatically detect who is eligible for loan.Every bkash user are not eligible for this loan.Ai technology scan your bkash account every month & see some of your transaction activity like cash-in,cash-out,mobile recharge,pay bill etc.Every transaction you will give some credit score and end of the month this credit score get addition.A fixed credit score in set by bkash for loan eligibility.If your credit score reach this you can a apply loan icon on your bkash app. ================================== 👍So let's enjoy the video.

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