Day 12 Liquid Fast (No seriously I'm not cheating...)

2 years ago

#liquidfast #fasting #intermittentfasting #calorierestriction #microbiome #brothdiet #day12 #twoweek #weektwo #week2
So I continue to prepare my humus, it will be a celebratory feast on day 14 or 15. Likely with some solid food in the form of corn and lentil panbread I have also been preparing, ... multiday meal preparation.

Still considering keeping this liquid based diet thing going.. but I think the "fasting period will be coming to a close unless OMAD counts as fasting as that is where I would like to go with it. I am now intergrating an Imermitant fasting schedule into my feeding, right now just waiting atleast 14 hours before having any calories. I am going to try to push that up over week 3 as my calorie count goes from a massively calorie restricted diet to at minimum my basal, then hopefully up to a full OMAD in week 4... whatever that looks like. Right now I am planning on getting more fiber in the diet and the week of August 4th to continue to build my probiotic basis.. so shifting from the liquid fast to building my probiotic foundation.

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