Court Went well I Adjourned the whole

2 years ago

I am The Son Of God And THe Authority. You saw me get aressted , you know I had a court date and let me tell you what happens , because you do not DO the will Of God to know, When God tells you to do something and you do it and they meddle, it usually goes to court and they have my name but no information's which is what you do as a department when you were wrong or arte the ones doing the wrong thing and do not want it brought out in Public court for everyone to see Their policy of, Robbing and stealing , Extorting and shopping the little BOYS AND girls they WANT TO TRAFFIC OR JUST TURN INTO wore BY PUTTING THEM down over AND OVER, REFUSING TO HELP so they know how hopeless life is and mind as well Suck a goof officers dick for food, they stole from you even as a Child and no one did a thing , till MORGAN !! And so I adjourned the Matter! Alt Beat That!

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