Skunked, A Steelhead Fishing Story / Michigan Bald Eagle / Scouting New Fishing Spots / No Waders

5 years ago

I almost always get skunked when targeting steelhead... In my defense I live in lansing MI where only the most knowledgable fisherman with years of experiance can catch the occasional steelhead. Ive seen a steelhead in Lansing 2 times in all my years and caught one once with the help of an experienced friend. A drive of about an hour or more is required to get to some resonable steelhead terratory and I am rarely able to make the trip. As a result I am still a bit of a noob when it comes to steelhead fishing. Also my waders were slowly getting a leak all fall. during my last trout fishing trip my waders filled with water from the foot to the crotch so that means no steelhead fishing until I can get new waders... Seeing a Bald Eagle on the way made the whole trip wort while and scouting a new area is never a bad idea and ultimately could be the biggest game changer of your fishing adventures.

If you have some Steelhead fishing tips for me Drop em in the comments!


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