"Reply to Prepper Nurse 1 "Giving you an update from the Homestead.

3 years ago

Prepper Nurse 1 asks What are you views on all the negative news, and comments on Ukraine.

This video basically turns into a talk about relativism and operant conditioniwng, Burrhus Frederic Skinner. And allusion to Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis -- linguistic relativism but rather - idea relativism - rather than simply language as a logical order to thought processes, rather the way we connnect ideas is predyadic and serves with interactions of our neurochemical makeup to shape the relative limits of our personality and ways of thinking and being / habitus.

The propaganda positioning alludes to this in that it is creating the mental ideas of roles of different actors, personality cults, and nations, etc.. in that it is archtyping and reinforcing stereotypes of Russian aggression allusions to crimea, casting ukraine's current government as legitimate or the legitimate party and casting the eastern "peoples republics" as not representing legitimate political beliefs of the people of that region. The idea that Russia going to war to defend cultural Russian ukrainians in the east of Russia should Ukraine's pro Ukrainian nationalist government try to retake the east with support of NATO --- as being an act of Russian Agression as opposed to defensive action ---- to protect its interests and protect pro-russian culture in the east of Ukraine - something that prior to the Maidan movement was normative not a new revolutionary idea. Even in soviet times that area was heavily invested i n Russian culture.

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