It takes YEARS to develop production technology for consistent genetic jabs | Dr. Mike Yeadon

1 year ago


Dr. Mike Yeadon summarizes the fundamental errors with the COVID jabs:

1. It induces production of the spike protein, which is the most toxic part of the alleged virus. It's not just one pharmaceutical giant that chose this particular protein, but all four of them (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson&Johnson, and AstraZeneca).

Not only is the spike protein highly toxic, but the protein induced by the jabs is a synthetically modified version of this protein, which is engineered to be much more stable. It has been shown to stay in the body for at least 60 days, which was the duration of the particular study. It could stay around much longer.

In a natural infection in a healthy person, most of the toxic proteins will be stopped in the respiratory tract which is fairly robust. However, with the genetic injections, the toxic product can go right to the most vulnerable areas of the body, such as the heart, brain and nerves.

The difference between the two is night and day. It's like the Trojan horse outside the thick walls versus inside the thick walls with all the defenders asleep.

2. Because this is such a radically different novel genetic technology that has never before been tested at scale, potential risks are totally unpredictable. (You don't know what you don't know.) Even if you have some short term safety data in a small cohort, you don't know anything about rare events and medium to long term risks.

The lack of safety data might be acceptable if the best alternative were even worse, i.e. a highly transmissible and virulent (=sick making) disease. This is not the case at all with COVID.

First of all, the vast majority of the population is at negligible risk, yet still there is a strong push to get these people injected. Why?

Second of all, there are harmless, highly effective alternatives to reduce the risk of severe disease and death to basically zero, even for the extremely high risk group.

3. The genetic code being injected, induces the body to make spike proteins. First of all, it's totally unpredictable how much will be produced. Some people may make only a little, while others may make an enormous amount.

Second of all, there's no off-switch. Normal mRNA is broken down after at most a few hours, but the mRNA in the jabs is synthetically modified to be much more stable. Just like the spike proteins mentioned under point (1) above, it hangs around for 60 days or longer and may keep inducing the body to make toxic spike proteins for this duration.

Mike makes an excellent analogy: "It's alike a go-kart with a brick on the throttle and you let it go. No one's steering it, and it's going around and around like in a toddler's playground."

Third, it's unpredictable where in the body the spike protein will be made and where they will end up. If it's made in the shoulder muscle and stays there, it may be relatively safe. However, if they're made in or go to the ovaries, for example, you may become irreversibly infertile.

4. A retired R&D pharmaceutical manufacturing guru friend of Mike Yeadon has said:

"It would take some YEARS to be able to prototype, improve and make firm the manufacturing process alone for multiple billions of doses of a complex biological molecule. It's not possible [to get a reliably consistent production process within a short time span]. You can't squirt it in there, stir it and put it into glass vials. What you would end up with is a product that is so variable that it would be reckless to begin injecting it."

This lack of consistent production quality might explain the strong signal of 'hot lots', i.e. vaxx batches that have a much higher (severe) adverse event rates than other batches. It might also explain why a few analyses of the substances in the vials shows no possibility of genetic material being present at all, because the required atoms are absent.


The "errors" that Mike Yeadon points out are only errors if public health is your main priority. If short term profit maximization or depopulation is your main priority, they are not errors. In fact, in the latter case, they may be intentional.


Fauci urges caution when introducing new vaccine: Harms may take decade to become apparent (1999)


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