Church goes through THE JOB TEST (BEFORE THE RAPTURE) You've Gotta See This!

4 years ago

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'Bout to lose me sum subscribers TUHDAE!!! I'm not here to make friends, or to gain a following, or to be loved or liked. I'm not about glorifying myself, and I'm not here to make money. Be followers of Jesus. I'm just here to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and feed his precious sheep. Only his sheep will value his truth. The rest are looking for candy. The whole of Jesus' believers are about to enter into the 'Job Test' and too many of us do not even know it, or even acknowledge it. You can't be prepared for something that you haven't even mentally accepted. This video is NOT for children. I am what others call '100% proof'. I feel bad that I'm not watered down enough for the pallet that pleases many. I don't know any other way to be. There is plenty of meat in this video to blow out anyone's jaw, in the chewing process. Just sayin'. Please do pause and read the texts, so that you don't miss the REAL meat. I hope this is of service for at least one person.

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