Why Does He Keep Seeing Me If He Won't Commit?

4 years ago

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Why does he keep seeing me if he won't commit?

Have you ever been dating a guy who keeps you at arm’s length? And you wonder: “Why Does He Keep Seeing Me If He Doesn’t Want A Relationship?”

It’s a valid question, for sure.

After all, why would he continue to date you if he wasn’t interested in making a commitment to you?

Well, as we’re going to explore here, there are a lot of reasons he might not want to go further with you.

So let’s dig into:

Why Does He Keep Coming Back If He Doesn’t Want A Relationship?

Before we get into the reasons he would do this, I have an important question for you:

Why is a guy who is NOT interested in a relationship more interesting to you than a guy who does?

This one is going to ruffle some feathers out there, but it’s an important question. All too often, I find that my coaching clients are more obsessed with guys who are reluctant to get into a relationship.

I call this the “hard-to-get” syndrome. We’re almost always more interested in the people that are harder to catch than the ones that are ready for a relationship.

But the real problem comes up when you start becoming intent on winning this guy when you know he’s not the right man for you!

This is a very real problem for both men and women, where they put their brains on hold and start pursuing a person ONLY because they’re a challenge. Not because they’re the right person for them.

I distinctly remember talking to a woman on a phone coaching call who was practically obsessed with making a guy commit to her.

But, as I pointed out on the call:

He was verbally abusive…
He had anger issues…
He was insecure…
He wasn’t satisfying her (in bed or otherwise)…
And that was just scratching the surface!

When I asked her:

“Why do you want this guy? A guy that is clearly not right for you?”

She just sat there in silence, and then proceeded to ignore my question. The next thing she asked me was, “Do you think if I gave him some space he might want me back?”

facepalm calvin Why Does He Keep Seeing Me If He Doesnt Want A Relationship?

Facepalm… big time.

That’s right! She wasn’t even dating him! He had broken up with her a few weeks earlier. He wasn’t what she wanted, and she wasn’t what HE wanted. And yet she couldn’t let go of this past relationship.

Now, this is an extreme example of this, but it’s much more common than you might think.

So the important thing is to check yourself first before you get too attached to a relationship that really isn’t worth chasing.

Now, let’s dig into the reasons why a guy would keep seeing you even if he doesn’t want a relationship…

REASON 1: He’s just treading water…

Look, it’s no secret that guys are more focused on sex when it comes to the start of a relationship. We try endlessly to jump in bed with you. Or so it seems.

But here’s the reality: The faster you sleep with him, the less likely he will fall in love with you. (Oh, there are lots of opinions out there on this, but in your heart of hearts, you know it’s true.)

Men are programmed to look for women who challenge us and inspire us to become better men. This has not changed in hundreds of thousands of years, and I hope it doesn’t ever change. It’s a great system!

In fact, the process of falling in love is a sequential recipe.

This means that the ingredients that make it work come one after the other. If anything is out of order, the recipe for Love will not work!

Which is why sex is never ingredient #1. That’s a big mistake.

So one of the big reasons men keep seeing you without a relationship is that he’s just satisfying that need of his. (Men have a physiological reason for this drive toward getting laid, and I explain it clearly here)

Guys will gladly stay in a relationship that is purely physical, until something – or someone – better comes along. He’ll tread water for as long as she lets him get away with it.

REASON 2: He acts like your boyfriend because he thinks that’s what you want…

Guys sometimes also get caught up in the game of “well, she won’t sleep with me if she thinks I’m not going to be her boyfriend.” And a lot of the time, he’d probably be right.

But he’s not being dishonest to hurt you, or mislead you. He just doesn’t realize that if he were
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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
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Why does he keep seeing me if he doesn't want a relationship?

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