Energy Tester Sees HUGE Increase After Using the Relax Sauna - Infrared Sauna Review

4 years ago

“My name is Jorg Patrone and I work with different technologies related to energy, frequencies and right now one gadget. It is based on Kirlian photography. We measure the energy of a human being analyzing the 10 fingers. This is a Kirlian camera. The information goes into a software and analyzes this based on three protocols. One is Ayurveda. The other one is allopathic medicine. And the other one is Chinese meridians. So, we see all the charts. We see, also, how much energy that the person has, the balance between the two brains, left and right, and the balance between the organs and how the organs and systems are related to the amount of energy, if it’s too much or too little or, you know, the right amount.“

“This machine is reading the amounts of energy and is not focusing on anything. It’s not curing the energy. It’s not to do any treatment.” The way to use it is before and after any protocol, such as before or after a chemotherapy session, “so the doctor can understand what organ or system was more depleted of energy after the chemotherapy and reinforce that organ or system so that person can recuperate better, You know, faster.”

This technology was used with the Relax Far Infrared Sauna. After 3 minutes of getting in. Jorge was sweating and, “It was amazing. But, I didn’t know exactly what it was doing.” A woman was tested before sh this technology was used with a Relax Sauna. She was tested before she went into the sauna. The energy is measured in joules (derived units of energy in the International System of Units). Before she went in her energy was at 45 joules, which is pretty low. Having been at a conference all day long she was pretty low in an energy field. “The balance between the two sides of the brain was all right, just a little too analytical, working too much with the left brain. And the chakra system was kind of small in the size of the chakras and also pretty misaligned, not too much but it could have been much better.”

After 15 minutes the Relax Sauna where she sweated a lot, “we did another analysis of the energy and the energy went up 10 joules, from 45 to 55. I’ve never seen that before with any other protocol. This really blew me away”. Phil asked what levels he normally sees. Jorg said he sees normally “between 2 to 5. Five is great. Five joules is really good and 10, I’ve never seen it before. The other thing that I noticed was that the two brains started working in synchronization so it was not more analytical this time. It was working with both hemispheres. The other thing is the chakras were more aligned and were also bigger, much bigger.” And, the overall state of the person was in homeostasis in a way, “I’ve never seen anything that could create that in a person.”

He’s been doing this for 12 years. “One of the things that changes the energy of a person pretty fast in 12 to 15 minutes is a full glass of structured water. The other thing that also changes the energy of the person is when they go into a high state of heart-rate coherence with HeartMath. So when the person goes into heart-brain coherence, we see a lot of modification in the energy level and also the stress level. And, it goes down, of course, and the energy goes up. Also, we see a very good synchronization between both hemispheres of the brain. This one was beyond that. What happened with this was beyond that. I never imagined that.”

He had only imagined that it might be three joules up, not 10 joules, especially after only 15 minutes in the Relax Sauna. “The other thing that I saw was that she had very little reserve energy and that’s very important. Now when we finished, the reserve energy grew a lot so it’s like she was like more in homeostasis than before. Before she was a little weak. She was exposed to different things in the environment that are not positive, that are not good for her and could develop a disease, you know. Right now, she has a very powerful immune system. You can see that.”

Before the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems were not working together so they were not synchronized. Phil comments that “One of the most powerful things that the Relax Sauna does is that it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, almost deeper than anything I’ve ever seen.” Jorg says, “And it shows. It shows.” Anybody, including people who study Kirlian photography, “would be impressed. This is a huge change for the better. So amazing. Congratulations! This is a great product. Yeah, I love it. I have to have one in my house.”

Normally a jump of three joules is considered really powerful. He says 10 is completely surprising. “We can measure that and it’s a good thing. You can say whatever you want. When you can measure that with technology there is nothing else to say. Keep doing the good work.”

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