Reply to Preppernurse1 The inflation numbers hit a new 40 year high.

1 year ago

This video is a reply to the question asked in preparers one the inflation numbers hit at 40 year high and the question is what do you think the inflation numbers where do you think we're headed with everything that's going on and things are going to get worse here or get better?
I think it is important to add that there are likely more checks and balances put on the rate of inflation primarily interest rate increases reduce lending the measures to provide more limits on products so that demand altered but the big one is increasing interest rates which will probably slow economic growth but may help with the inflation issue. The interest rate increases my intern we the price of the US dollar turn the back some product exports and those exports being curtail put in people a market for their goods that would have went on industries in the cost of goods and indirectly reducing the rate of inflation

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