His Truth shall encircle you with a shield

2 years ago

that last video was too short
that was a good intro to the man that lives inside my head
at least i have that, many people don't
somebody who will never ever let me down
it's a gift eventually, gotta wait for it to be
i'm not Him couldn't predict how good this could be
overwhelmed by His grace in a world in love w/ deception
it's time for a Psalm
my Orthodox study Bible is different
my God, i will hope in Him
i need a bass player
which is the right version, just understand the genuine gyst, that's it
ten thousand at your right hand...so true!
yes this happens at church every sunday...YEShua
Jesus' name in Hebrew is so beautiful
goes w/out saying, but they keep on saying
holocaust, slavery, women's "oppression"

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