Happy Thanksgiving - Overall Family Health Updates & Being Grateful For The Little Things

5 years ago

11/28/19 - Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

I hope everyone had a great day. I would have done this video live, but Facebook has locked me out for some reason or other. Hopefully I will be back on within 24hrs or so, but if not, then find me here on my YouTube channel to keep updated with all things me and my life experiences. Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out on any of my updates. Hit the bell icon in the corner and make sure that the "all notifications" is selected so you don't miss a beat. Thank you. I will gladly return the favor! Tis' the season of giving back and being thankful for all we have, so I will be glad to help out in any way I can, even if it is just to subscribe to each others channels for a start.

So since today is Thanksgiving, I wanted to come on here and give you guys an update about both my grandparents health as well as my own, plus explain what I am grateful for this year 2019.

To say this year was easy is an understatement, as it has been filled with lots of challenges and changes in every avenue of my life. I have moved multiple times, lost and gained friends, dealt with lies and manipulations, found my own voice and regained my own power, put up boundaries, forgave myself and others for their actions and short sightedness as well as unhealthy habits and beliefs directed towards me and how I live my life, not to mention finding myself again and trusting in how my life is unfolding and not being ashamed of who I am and that I speak the truth. I am no longer running away from confrontation as I have learned that sometimes it is necessary for growth in others and myself, and have accepted my responsibilities in creating my own life and living it to my own specifications and no one els's.

I hope you have also had a profound experience this year that lets you do all these things as well. Find your voice and be true to yourself. Don't let others beat you down or make you think of living life their way, cuz the only one in charge of your life is you! And you got this! I got this! We got this!

Have a great rest of the Holiday Season and I will see you all soon! Enjoy!

Love, Light, & Many Blessings!


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