Reptilian Eyes (Possession) ''From Possessed 'New Ager' to Saved Daughter of Yeshua The Messiah!

5 years ago

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I'm throwing myself under the 'bus' here, in order to show you some HUGE hidden things, that I've experienced. The 'Reptilian Eye' thing is true. Just like you can capture pictures of ghosts better with a polaroid instant camera, we can capture footage and photos of people who are harboring an unclean 'serpent', or 'reptilian' spirit. This is more commonly known as demonic possession, and possession by unclean spirits is very real folks! The 'reptilian' phenomenon is misunderstood, but true. If you can throw away the misunderstandings, regarding 'reptilian hybrids' and get the truth of the matter, then everyone would be better off. The truth is, there are no aliens, in the physical sense. There never were physical aliens. Sounds crazy, right! What really happened was that there are spirit beings, we call angels. These particular angels, possessed men, in this realm. These men took/raped women. These women gave birth to giants. These giants were killed off during the flood. The strange unclean spirits of these hybrid beings have no where to go, and remain with us, in this realm. All of them are hunting to find a vessel, a body to inhabit, reside within. When they get into a person, this person is now in the possession of an unclean serpent spirit, otherwise known as a demon. These 'serpent' spirits are also known as reptilian spirits. This is the curse, that they are all in this restriction, to be as their fallen master, Satan. Normally, these unclean spirits reside primarily where your consciousness is focused on. Most people sadly remain in fight or flight based consciousness, which also is survival consciousness. This is a very low, weak state of conscious awareness, which primarily keeps one focused on sex, sexual appetites, sexual reproduction and sexual pleasures. This keeps a person carnal minded and very beast like, in various respects. If an unclean spirit being successfully infiltrates a person, while the person's conscious awareness is primarily focused in survival pursuits, the unclean spirit will very rarely have the chance to rise up-along the spine-within the afflicted individual, in order to take over and dominate the body, that is-unfortunately-being shared. In my case, I was an avid meditator. Not only did I meditate for long durations, I did this often. While meditating, I would practice the Kundalini. Unfortunately, this meant that I was raising my conscious awareness out from the survival state and sexual creative state, straight up into my skull, where my higher mind is. This afforded this unclean serpent spirit direct access to my mind. i DIDN'T realize this back then, but...I was allowing 'The Serpent' to rise up along my spine straight into my control room, my mind, which granted it access and authority over me, my actions, my words, my thoughts and feelings. I won't get into all the details here, but I do intend on sharing much of what this is like and how and why it is BAD! I was unaware of my situation, as I share in this video. I was actively channeling during my 'New Age' videos, and in those old videos-about three years-old now-I would repeatedly see my eyes turn sky blue and my pupils were transformed into the 'reptile slits' you see in this video. This happens when the serpent is granted access to the totality of YOU, where your mind/soul, which is your higher consciousness resides. Kundalini is dangerous and being possessed is dangerous. The 'New Age' movement is dangerous. When you see a person with authentic reptilian eyes, this person is either temporarily accessing an unclean spirit, a serpent spirit. Or, you can call them 'reptile spirits'. Makes no difference, they all serve Satan and are all parasites. They want to get into you to feed off of you and to rest within you. I'll do videos on what I mean here, in depth. These unclean spirits will jump at the opportunity to drive you, your body, when and if you are ignorant enough, like I was, to give them consent/lawful rights to. The Kundalini does exactly this. This is ancient knowledge that the ancients knew. You can obtain this forbidden knowledge directly from an unclean spirit, or you can obtain second, third, or 18th hand knowledge from secluded practitioners of the Kundalini today; which will not be complete, or accurate enough to get the average kundalini student into immediate trouble. But regardless, just attempting the kundalini, gives any unclean spirit lawful rights to go into your body temple and defile you. This is dangerous filthy stuff folks! This video is the first of several, that I plan on doing, to warn the public of the TRUTH of what's going on. BTW, yoga initiates you into being possessed. Yoga and the Kundalini both stem from the same demonic teachings of old, that the nephilim taught mankind, way back before and even after the flood.

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