1 year ago

The NICS Denial Notification Act of 2022 was snuck into the Omnibus bill passed back in March and is going into effect on or around September 26th of this year. In essence, this will require and prompt FFL holders to enter the address of the purchaser into the NICS (background check) system any time they are either denied or delayed on a background check. That information collected by the FBI will then be passed on to local law enforcement- to what end is not explicitly stated anywhere that I can find it. This is egregious as a denial or delay is not indicative of a crime or anything for certain. Most delays, in my experience, come back as "proceed" and some denials are cases of mistaken identities or some other clerical error.

Here in Georgia, our carry permit can suffice as a background check, so it makes a lot of sense to have one, and keep it current even though Georgia has passed constitutional carry. Your mileage may vary in other states, so check up on that.



"The “Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022” was signed into law on March 15, 2022. Section 1101 of the Act included the “NICS Denial Notification Act of 2022.” The Act requires the Attorney General to report background check denials to state authorities and will require the FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Section to report all FBI NICS denied transactions to local law enforcement within 24 hours beginning October 1, 2022. The NICS Section plans to implement this change on September 26, 2022."
- https://orchidadvisors.com/nics-denial-notification-act-to-require-ffls-provide-buyer-addresses/

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