5 Minute Breather | Ep. 32 | Getting to know Him as your Saviour

2 years ago

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Host: Sandra

Topic: Peter is the one and only disciple that received the revelation that Jesus IS the Son of Man, the Messiah. From Peter, all of the Catholic popes of all the Church history date back to this first appointment! So awesome we have a church history that runs so deep! The Church indeed has stood the test of time, but not without its ups and downs. What has kept the Church going, though, is the love and faith of its members. Even though there may be trials and tribulations, faithful church members cling to the truth and beauty of Jesus, of His love and mercy. Especially in this age of information overload, it can be so easy for a genuinely curious heart, searching to fulfill their longing (for love, truth, understanding), to get lost in the waves. For us (me and my husband), the more we learn about Jesus, our saints, and our Church as a whole, we find ourselves growing deeper in love and in return, experience more and more of His healing, compassionate, live-giving love. Much of this comes from spending much time with Him in prayer, in churches, and even in nature. We also seek clean/innocent entertainment, and quality time spent with others that bring positivity and inspiration into our lives. So as we all continue on our beginning again journey, spend time with Jesus and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Just be very vigilant about who you ask, where you get the information, how you feel when you receive information, and ALWAYS cover your information quests in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you! Feel free to reach out to us too (welcome@thelasttribe.org) because are blessed to have a network of amazing trusted sources that have helped us on our journey :)

About the 5 Minute Breather Series: Sandra and her husband Paul attend daily mass. For this season of her life, join Sandra for a few minutes every Monday through Friday as she shares the encouragement and guidance she receives each day.

Music by AShamaluevMusic:
Recovery | https://ashamaluevmusic.fanlink.to/dDMe
Support AShamaluevMusic on Soundcloud here.

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