"Arrogant" Michael Bloomberg Buying Your Vote?

5 years ago

Upon Bloomberg entering the 2020 race, a lot of Democrats have said something along the lines of, “He’s so arrogant! What does he think he can buy the election?!” In this video I breakdown the critique.


I’d contend it’s arrogant for ANYONE to think they should be the most powerful person in the world.

“What [Bloomberg] believes — and this is the arrogance of billionaires: ‘Hey, I can run for president because I’m worth $55 billion, and maybe I’ll take $1 billion out of that $55 billion’ — not a lot, when you’re worth that much — and … start running a massive amount of TV ads in California and, in fact, all over this country,” — Bernie Sanders

But with that said, Michael Bloomberg is a 77-year-old billionaire-philanthropist-mayor whose accomplishments by any fair measure outweigh all of the other Democratic candidates.

(bernie sanders vs. michael bloomberg)

Percent of income donated last year: Elizabeth Warren (5.5%), Amy Klobuchar (1.9%), Kamala Harris (1.4%), Bernie Sanders (1%), Beto O’Rourke (0.3%), Michael Bloomberg (100%, gave $767 million in 2018 making him 3rd most generous giver in USA and over $7.9 billion lifetime and he signed The Giving Pledge, whereby promising to give away the majority of his fortune before or after he dies).

And it’s far more arrogant in my opinion to think you are qualified to lead the free world when you’ve only been a mayor of a small city or a US Senator for just 6 years.

Buy election?

Tonight we say to Michael Bloomberg and other billionaires: Sorry, you’re not going to buy this election.

(bernie sanders vs. michael bloomberg)

Michael Bloomberg is not buying your vote.

If anything Bernie, Waren, and Yang are buying your vote.

They are literally saying to voters, “Vote for me and I’ll give you someone else’s money”, whether it be in the form of free healthcare, education, debt-forgiveness, or in the form of a literal thousand dollar check.

During a recent debate, Andrew Yang went so far as to tell viewers at home to go to his website and enter their email so they could then be put in a lottery to win a thousand dollars.


And please consider there are only two ways to get air time: you can buy it with your own money or you can buy it with other people’s money.

(bernie sanders vs. michael bloomberg)

Michael Bloomberg is using his own money whereas the other candidates are primarily relying on big media companies to fund the channels to get out their messages. Trump, for example, spent less money than Hillary, but more money via the mainstream media was spent on talking about Trump.

There are more substantive critiques of Bloomberg, such as on Stop & Frisk and his Big Gulp Ban, which I addressed in a previous answer, but ultimately the main problem far-left Democrats have with Bloomberg is his money.

They like their candidates like they like their voters: poor and dependent upon the state for their income.

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