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Free to Fly Canada Update, August 4, 2022

2 years ago

Greg provides a quick update on where Free to Fly has been, where we're going, along with ideas on what's coming our way.

Join Free to Fly here: https://www.freetofly.ca/
Donate: https://store.freetofly.ca/order_form.html

Article referenced: https://www.commonsense.news/p/court-documents-reveal-canadas-travel


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  • TO JUSTIN TRUDEAU FROM; CHRISTINE ANDERSON...MEP ... Member European Parliament ..’’...what the hell have you done..’’... ..“...it was your job to protect the people that you were elected by..”... ..“...You didn’t do your job and .....do not tell me you didn’t know..,” ... .. “...There is so much coming to light... all the adverse side effects, ..’’...numerous studies now available, on fetal disfigurement . ..genetic defects of babies born to women who got ‘’ vaccinated ” with a poisonous unproven experimental chemical..that you promoted and ... coerced on people who trusted you ..’’...you are guilty of the worst crime ever committed on humanity ..’’... ..“...we will do all we can to make sure this is brought to light ...’’.. The ‘’ covid vax ‘’ is now proven to cause deaths, blood clots, and paralysis Severe punishment is due to all involved in promoting this scam For video and text of speech go to link; https://www.infowars.com/posts/member-of-european-parliament-labels-covid-vaccine-coercion-worst-crime-ever-committed-on-humanity/

  • Thanks for adding this to Rumble.

  • Thank you Greg for your positive words and your calming tone. May God bless you and your Family 🙏

  • Thank you for the second email explaining the changes. I was surprised when I could not access this video update earlier as I had signed up from almost your very beginning.

  • Thank you for the update and showing on rumble

  • Thank you for your faithfulness to encouraging others. Praying for you and your family

  • Greg you have such a calm & clear message update and I thank you for that. Love & Light for us all 🙏🏻💖

  • Educating about Early Treatment can help a Newbie deal with the Fear they are likely wrestling with as they decide they no longer want to go along with the narrative. I use a business sized card that features Treat Early, FLCCC.net. but I also included on the front of the card other helpful Resources Gettr, Telegram, and names to search- Dr Robert Malone, Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, Dr Peter McCullough. On the back of the card I list 3 of my favorite websites for Newbies - TheHighwire.com, ChildrensHealthDefense.org, and WorldCouncilForHealth.org. This method of educating works really well. I start friendly chats try to create an opening, Then I say, Do you know how to treat? I assure folks its easy but that I have a handy card to help them get started. Like Greg pointed out a lot are not wanting boosters. So people are very open to this chat now. Mattias Desmet explains that for a person to get themselves out of the Mass Formation, they will feel the anxiety that caused them to join the MassF! So my thinking is if we address this anxiety with treatment education, we can quell the fear. I've used my cards for 8 months. Several friends now hand them out too. CA, CO, NC, FL, PA.. and recently I posted this on a Substack comment and two other commenters now will be creating similar cards and techniques for educating Newbies. I used a ready made patriotic (USA) Vistaprint. Tmi but as Greg points out this is not over. And Now is the time to bring right, left, center together. This idea is easy, and for those shy, the card gives you a tool to support your effort. God bless North America Freedom Lovers.

  • Small things add up to big things. So true. I will remember that. The people who went to court and exposed the fact that the travel mandates had no scientific justification are heroes.

  • Your final words speak volumes.....God bless you and all your crew!!

  • Thank you for being the voice of reason and bringing a sense of calmness in the eye of the storm. We all need to take a deep breath while moving forward.

  • Thank you for the update. MEP CHRISTINE ANDERSON: VACCINATED PILOTS ARE NO LONGER FIT TO FLY https://rumble.com/v1c0jkx-mep-christine-anderson-says-pilots-no-longer-fit-to-fly-because-of-the-forc.html Christine Anderson https://rumble.com/v1cn58d-mep-christine-anderson-covid-19-vaxx-campain-will-go-down-as-the-biggest-sc.html

  • Trudeau and the rest of the screwups know exactly what they're doing. We must learn to recognize the tools they are using... climate change (formerly global warming), pandemics, history shaming, racism and many others. All meant to divide us so they can offer us their solutions. Two kinds of people; Engineers and Gardeners, liberals and conservatives.

  • God bless you. Thank you for the info & focus.

  • Wished there was better news like can I travel yet in Canada freely