Is THIS the Fall of the FBI?

2 years ago

The Director of Biden’s FBI, Christopher Wray, is sitting in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, facing a grilling over rampant politicization and overreaching from the FBI.
Just this morning Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) called out Dir. Wray, demanding an explanation for how his agency has gone so rogue:
"If the FBI is going to open an investigation, you have to do it the right way. It appears that the right way was not done . . . Director Wray you’ll have to explain to the committee and to the country how you’ll manage this mess, and how you’ll clean house."
Just yesterday we told you how the Biden Administration is looking to expand the FBI, effectively doubling the amount of agents, and adding over ONE MILLION new audits every year. Today, FBI Director Christopher Wray is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and thankfully being taken to task for the inexcusable underhanded dealings of his office.
The committee scolded Wray over the FBI’s decision-making in cases such as Hunter Biden, and why that case has been classified as “disinformation.” He was also interrogated on the violence plaguing pro-life pregnancy centers, and the lack of urgency these cases have been given by the Biden FBI. And now two FBI agents – with one being the head of the FBI’s Washington, D.C. field office – have come forward revealing that the Biden FBI is trying to purge itself of conservatives.
ACLJ Senior Counsel Andy Ekonomou addressed the despicable behavior within the Deep State FBI and how it has damaged the integrity of the agency:
"The FBI has become a political organization. When I was in the United States Attorney’s office in Atlanta, the one thing that you could always count on was that the FBI was going to give you a fair shake regardless of whether you were a liberal, a Democrat, Republican, whatever. We never had any question that it was a premier law enforcement agency dedicated to ferreting out federal crimes and assisting local law enforcement. That unfortunately has evolved not to be the case. It’s padding its domestic violent extremist data, cheapening the examples of violent extremism, calling people domestic terrorists who should never be put in that category, and yes, the politicization - to the detriment of the FBI - is occurring, and it’s occurring on a wide basis. The concern I have is that if you are a conservative FBI agent, you are being purged, and you are not being given the right to pursue the evidence where it leads. And you are being told that things are as they are not. In other words, the FBI is a political tool of the Justice Department and, derivatively, of the Biden Administration. That should not be the case."
I posed the question to our ACLJ members, “Do you trust the FBI?” The overwhelming response from callers was no way. The general consensus, at least among conservatives, appears to be that the FBI is just another tool wielded by the radical Left. The Deep State is weaponizing law enforcement agencies to do their political bidding. It is completely unconstitutional.
But while the hearing continued on after our show concluded, from what I’ve seen at this time, Director Wray has dodged giving every meaningful line of inquiry, and mostly towed the official party line whenever possible, or else he falls back on what’s becoming the calling card of the Biden Administration – a shrug and a whimper. He couldn’t even give a straight answer when questioned about the border and drug cartels flooding our country with deadly drugs like fentanyl.
Senator Grassley was right. The FBI needs to undergo some major house cleaning. It can start by actually going after true domestic terrorists, such as the ones who vandalized and FIREBOMBED PRO-LIFE PREGNANCY CENTERS. And if this FBI Director can’t – or let’s be honest folks, won’t – pursue these people who’ve put innocent lives in serious danger, then the FBI needs a new leader.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes further in-depth coverage of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing as it unfolds.

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