Dave Kranzler: Is Fed as close to pivot as market thinks?

1 year ago

#DaveKranzler: Is Fed as close to pivot as market thinks?

After a decade of low interest rates, the #FederalReserve has surprised the market not only with its interest rate hikes, but also with the aggressiveness of the pace.

Many market watchers (admittedly myself included) thought the Fed would run into trouble with higher rates, given all of the debt that exists, and that there would be a reversal or 'pivot' in the Fed's policy.

Which still is quite possible, although it's starting to look like it won't be as soon as many have forecast.

Fortunately, to take a look at the situation and what might be reasonable to expect, analyst Dave Kranzler joins me on the show to debate whether a #Fedpivot might be as close as many traders have believed.

So to find out more, click to watch this video now!


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