5 Minute Breather | Ep.27 | This potter can re-mold any piece of clay

1 year ago

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Host: Sandra

Topic: I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to mold clay before…I can tell you that it’s not easy! It can also lead to quite frustration in your efforts of trying to make something and the clay is ‘not cooperating.’ Today, I thank our compassionate Father for being the source of all patience, our potter, who always desires to re-mold us, the clay, no matter how uncooperative we may be! We’re all His divine projects and the perfect love of Our Creator never gives up on us. Especially for those of us on our beginning again journey’s - our falls can feel so major. So for those who need to see/hear this in this moment - don’t ever think that God won’t accept you back into His hands if you’ve fallen and make a mistake. He’s there, waiting. And if you feel far away, disoriented, and feel like you don’t know the way back, let that be your prayer. Lord, I don’t know how to find my way back to you, but with you is where I want to be.

About the 5 Minute Breather Series: Sandra and her husband Paul attend daily mass. For this season of her life, join Sandra for a few minutes every Monday through Friday as she shares the encouragement and guidance she receives each day.

Music by AShamaluevMusic:
Recovery | https://ashamaluevmusic.fanlink.to/dDMe
Support AShamaluevMusic on Soundcloud here.

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